Friday, July 21, 2017

Slatwall has come off the wall- fixtures that change it up

Among other benefits, the advantage of slatwall is in its modular abilities.  These surfaces can host pegs, waterfall hooks and various types of shelving.  In order to make the most out of slatwall, having an inventory of different hanging implements is important.  That investment is best utilized when other fixtures around the store also require them.

H Figures

At first glance, the H rack seems too plain for good choice in retail, where flashiness abides. However, simplicity sells in a way that gimmicks can't.  By applying restraint to a solid foundation, you target many of the principles of good sales.

4-Way Display

A four-way display is a great way to give a clean, fresh approach to merchandise that is visually different.  Customers are only able to view two sides simultaneously, which makes this a handy transitional item.

Streamline Display & Slatwall Display

Even with limited space, it is important to apply the same principles of simplicity.  Both streamline and slatwall displays can aid in making the most of narrow, small or otherwise tight square footage.

Rotating Slatwall Display

Perhaps the most versatile of the off-the-wall slatwall items are rotating slatwall displays. They can fit smaller shelves, bins and pegs.  With the smallest pegs, the display can have a profile of less than a foot and a half, fitting into tight spots. Add a waterfall hook for clothing and the display becomes a large centerpiece that spans about 4 feet, allowing for a quick revision when temporary cardboard displays exhaust.  Since the main portion is only a foot square, you can easily store it at times when traffic needs change.

Navigating different types of Slatwall Display Fixtures as well as their accessories can feel intimidating.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Slatwall Displays don't have to be boring

Slatwall display fixtures are an eye-catching and versatile way to showcase your merchandise whether you're selling clothing, jewelry, books, or a variety of other items. Taking advantage of these displays is just what your business needs to optimize your store space.

Types of Fixtures and Accessories

There are a few different types of slatwall displays such as H-displays, 4-way displays, streamline displays, and the slatwall cubic tower. Each type has its merits.

H-displays, true to their name, take the shape of an 'H.' The shape is ideal for shelving, straight arms, waterfalls, and baskets - accessories which take up more space horizontally.

4-way displays and cubic towers are perfect for jewelry and smaller items that you might display with smaller accessories like hooks and brackets.

The streamline display - a vertical panel of slatwall attached to a base - is the simplest and perhaps the most versatile. No one type of accessory is ideal for streamline displays, so they lend themselves to any type of display you might need. Whether that includes the use of shelving or brackets, streamline displays are optimal for whatever you sell.

The Benefits

Whether a streamline or 4-way display, any slatwall display can make use of any type of accessory. Each display will differ from the next which is what makes these displays so unique.

Slatwall display fixtures are also ideal for small spaces. In a smaller store, slatwall saves space and allows you to display all kinds of items if you have the right accessories. This allows for an easy exchange of items which is good if you have merchandise that is constantly moving.

Finally, slatwall displays are neat and organized. Instead of displaying merchandise on tables or on the floor, slatwall brings your items up to eye level. Customers will like that they don't have to bend down or rummage through items, and employees will appreciate the ease of keeping slatwall displays clean and organized.

Slatwall displays are popular among retailers. Maybe they're right for you, too.